Since its development, cloud computing has been threatened by cyber threats and malicious attacks from hackers, therefore countermeasures have been enacted to discourage these kinds of attacks.
Despite the cloud security provider being the body of interest in the implementation of cloud security, the user is also responsible for maintaining this service. The user partakes in activities such as
- Configuring authentication controls
- Security Awareness Training
- Limiting access to authorized users only
Other measures such as cloud security standards are provided by the cloud service provider and network administrators. Therefore, it is safe to say that the implementation of cloud security involves both efforts from the cloud service provider and the consumer. The following measures are key in the maintenance of cloud security.
Enforcing Cloud Security policies
Security policies should be formulated within an organization and strictly adhered to. They should clearly outline guidelines on how to utilize a cloud system and the data which should be stored on the system. Policy enforcement bodies should be established to ensure that these principles are met. They can be implemented through either automated policy enforcement features within the system or the services of a third party.
Enforcing Endpoint Security
This is the practice of securing endpoints and entry points of end-user devices from malicious attacks. Endpoint protection platforms should be set up to serve the following functions:
- Detection of Malware
- Examining files as they enter the system
- Provision of a centralized console connected to a server to system administrators to facilitate remote control of security functions
Firewalls, anti-malware, intrusion detection, and access control are the standard methods used to enforce endpoint security. Endpoint detection and response tools also serve this process through automated responses, patch management and encryption
Security Awareness and Cloud Security Training
This approach is key in the mitigation of data threats and breaches. Security awareness training involves informing security personnel of the information security risks about their activities and countermeasures on how to neutralize these threats.
Subjects under analysis in this field include phishing, removable storage devices, public wi-fi and working remotely among others. All these points of interest can increase vulnerability to cloud-stored data. They, therefore, need to be addressed to ensure security measures and protocols are adhered to before engagement in these activities.
Security Logging and Monitoring
Logging features for cloud systems facilitate the monitoring of activities that have taken place within cloud systems. This feature is an automated process that can display the users who have interacted with the cloud system and the activities undertaken within the system.
In case of a misconfiguration, it is the perfect way to identify the extent of damage incurred thus favoring the formulation of the necessary solution to the particular problem.
Data Encryption
Some major problems facing cloud systems are data leaks and breaches. The occurrence of these two activities causes grave impacts to data confidentiality and integrity. A key method used in countering this threat is data encryption. It is a complex virtualized process that involves encoding data, through the conversion of the original data referred to as plain text into cypher text. Therefore, it is a forefront security tool in ensuring confidentiality. Encryption should be applied to both data in transit and at rest.
Encryption services can be provided by cloud service providers or third-party soft wares. It is advisable to use encryption services that can work hand in hand with co-existing processes to enable proper workflow. Encryption can be further enhanced by the proper use of Virtual Machine (VM) architecture.
Observation of Cloud Security Standards and Control Information
Cloud security standards facilitate interoperability, eliminating vendor lock-in and making it simpler to transition from one cloud service provider to another. Several standards regulate cloud security. They enable an easier path to regulatory compliance. Furthermore, standards facilitate hybrid cloud computing by making it easier to integrate pre-installed securities with those of the cloud service providers.
Cloud security standards and control information can be classified into three:
Security Frameworks
They define policies, controls, checklists and procedures along with processes for examining support that can be used by auditors to examine the performance of cloud service systems.
Cloud security advisories are meant to be interpreted as specific risks to particular cloud systems, and applicable recommendations for remediation.
Standards’ specifications
They define Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), data structures and communication protocols that must be enacted to clarify the authenticity of the standard.
Cloud security standards include: ISO 27017 and 27018, Statements on Standard for Attestation Engagement (SSAE), and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Cloud Computing Program (NCCP), among several others.
To maximize the effectiveness of cloud security, assessing security provisions for cloud apps, ensuring cloud networks are secure and evaluating security controls on physical infrastructure and facilities are key steps that should be adhered to.
These methods enhance cloud security as well as outline safety measures, principles and control measures in case of a cyber-attack. They are key procedural steps that should be reviewed and considered before engaging in the use of cloud services. When adhered to, they boost the integrity, confidentiality and security of data stored within these systems, therefore, resulting in proper workflow within an organisation and assurance of data safety.
More approaches that are more rigid are developed with the increase in technological advancement, therefore cloud security maintenance is an ongoing activity that aims in achieving the development of a state-of-the-art cloud security system. To sum it all up, cloud security is a delicate entity that requires layers of security approaches to maintain its stability.