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Mobile updates are very vital for ensuring that mobile devices have all required feature and security updates. Mobile providers provide regular updates to be installed by users. Some users setup their mobile devices to automatically search and install these updates. Other users prefer to manually control what is installed on their devices. They therefore choose to manually search and install the updates. The articles below are step-by-step how-tos on how to manually search and install updates for the most widely used mobile platforms which are IOS Iphones, Google Android, Pixel, and Galaxy Android.

How to check for system updates on IOS devices

Apple provides regular software updates that can be installed automatically or manually by the user. IOS 14.5 and other later versions may offer two software version updates from which you choose one. It also provides software upgrades which facilitates installation of a newly released IOS software version.

Checking for updates on IOS devices
  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select General, then tap Software Update.
  3. If there are software updates available, choose “Download and Install”
  4. Tap Automatic Updates to Configure Automatic Updates of your software

How to check for system updates on Google Android devices

Many smart phone vendors utilize android OS, therefore there is some slight variation in how to check and install software updates across the different devices. Though most systems generate notifications when updates are available. These updates require a battery percentage of at least 50% and connection to Wi-Fi. The most common approaches for various mobile device types are outlined below:

Checking for updates on General Androids
  1. On your device’s open Settings
  2. Scroll down and select “About Phone”
  3. Tap Check for Updates
  4. Install new updates available

How-to check and install updates for Pixel phones

Checking for updates on Pixel phone
  1. On your device’s menu open Settings
  2. Scroll down and select system
  3. Tap System Update

How-to check and install updates for Samsung Galaxy devices

Checking for updates on Androids
  1. On your device’s menu open Settings
  2. Select Software Update
  3. Tap on Download and Install